Today we’re talking about applying wisdom with simple, practical tools. Do you wish to connect with people from a heart-based, empathetic, loving, and compassionate place? I will show you how you can be real and live from your heart, and not just from your mental mind.
As children, our hearts were open to everything. We looked at the world and other people from a place of pure, unfiltered love. As we grow older in this world, our families and cultures teach us that it’s not safe to be open-hearted, so we create a shell under which to live. Did you know that it’s possible to live as an adult with purity, grace, and ease—without reservation?
Today’s exercise will show you how to believe in yourself as NUMBER ONE, to stop playing the blame game, and to take your power back. Are you tired of the “broken record” life? You can make shifts from the world you’re stuck in and clear away those cobwebs of confusion. Join me to make a different choice and look in a new direction!