You know, I’ve always loved to freely talk! Even as a child, it’s what I loved to do. Since then, I’ve remained true to myself because I remember the feeling of freedom, living with no constraints. I invite you to go back to YOUR childhood and tune in to what came easy and natural for you. Now, draw a parallel to parts of your current life and those childhood gifts. Are there any similarities?
Commit yourself to ONE ACTION STEP this week that brings you the same beautiful feeling as your favorite childhood memory. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION as an adult to stand in that same frequency with the same presence and awareness. Liberate yourself from the constraints and excuses that plague your adult life. Don’t run your life on autopilot and “simply exist.” Take the moments to notice the obvious things right in front of you that will bring that same childhood feeling. This is a simple tool that can bring more awareness of the beautiful soul and gifts that you have brought to this earth. Join me!